Hello! yesterday i accidentally jumped into Agnes Monica's twitter. After some readings, i found out this person is really such inspiring artist. She really deserves a follow in twitter indeed! Her latest achievement ( im not really sure about this ) but it is confirmed already that She will sing a theme of Sea Games 2011 which is going to be held in Indonesia. I do knew Agnes Monica since a long long time ago, if i am not mistaken she was the Mc of tralala trilili in RCTI when i was a child. Up to now, this cute girl now have been grew up into mature fearless female adult. She is one of indonesian artist who can sing and dance really well. Almost no one doubtfully agree that her stage performance is really awesome among the others. What inspired me more, she did sports ( whereas some girls really hate when they produce sweat or even muscle in their body ) , fluent in english and chns, and also can play guitar and piano! Also, she is good looking, sexy, and clever!! She has proven that successfulness are made up of effort to make it happen plus your believe in God. I used to believe that "Chinese artist" are really hard to enter the entertainment industry in Indonesia because of their oriental face or whatsoeva. Only few of them who can survive till now. The difference comes to Agnes Monica, she is not only survive, but she also in her way to reach their peak evenmore! She has crawled up her career from scratch to what she has been now. There is no instant way to achieve your dreams. The latest rumours about her also stated that she is going to do collaboration with Superstar Michael Bolton next year! For your information, Michael Bolton is one of 80's artist who sing a song "How i am supposed to live without you". I am pretty sure some of you may do not recognize him, but his songs are really famous in your mom and dad's epoch! Agnes monica has made her dreams come true once more time. I am saying this not because i am a really huge fans of her, but i do adore someone who are really have a big passion in her life, who can see the future what they gonna be, and who briefly attached to what they believe in a good way..
Subsequenlty, i wanna make a list of my dream and i wish i could achieve it in this year :
( ) Loss 10-15 kg
( ) Canon 5d
( ) Diana F+ and package
( ) Ipad 2
( ) Go to europe with my own money
( ) Run my business better
( ) decorate my room
( ) graduate with a good mark
( ) Balance my life between play, study, party and charity .
( ) Do some useful thing to other
( ) Involve in any project
( ) Watch more concert
( ) Being a better person in any way
( ) Get a small tattoo
( ) Can play guitar and piano well!
( ) Fluent in English and chinese
I found out some cute pics in tumblr and this is quite true why some of girl do diet ( including me ) :D
flat tummy
source : tumblr
source : tumblr
skinny legs.
source : tumblr
love her hair! :3
source : tumblr
small tattoo!
source : tumblr
i could do this when i was a child.
source : tumblr
do not give up! keep running to reach your dream.
taken by me.
The best achievement in your life is when you cant show them wrong to those people who underestimate you before. You should not get easily angry to those who do that to you, be thankful to them, because they're motivating you evenmore <3<3
Shopping online is one of my favourite hobbies lately. I can sit nicely in front of my lappie and do some virtual window shopping. So, 2 days ago in nearly dawn, i intentionally buy 4 pieces of clothes in XX shop. ( i forgot what's the name of this online shop because i saw it at a glance in my facebook's home ). I sent her a mssg. Then, she quickly replied and ask me to add her bb pin.
In the following day, i bbmed her.
This is our conversation :
tgl 13 ( lewat bbm ) :
x ( 12.46 ) : sis barangnya ada?
y ( 12.46 ) : ada semua sis, yg ga ada 1 aja.
x (12.49 ) : ga restock lg ?
y ( 13.10 ): ga sis. mau?
x ( 13.15 ) : hrgnya brp ya sis?
y (13.18 ): 113 ribu
bbrp menit kemudian ..
y : brgnya udah aku kasih k orang sis, sis ga jelas. aku tny drtd ga jawab.
x : ha? ga jelas gmn sis? kan drtd kt bbman.
y : iya cuman lama jwbnya..
x : lama gimana sis? la kan aku bales ga sampe 1 menit pk 12.46 trus km jwb jg pk 12.46? definisi lama ga jelas itu kalo aku udah booked 1 hari ga ada kabar, toh kt jg bmman.
Y : ya pokoknya sis udah aku tny drtd berkali2 ga jawab.
The big question mark just floating around in my head. So, i urged her to show where is the unclear sign of mine that potentionally showing that im not serious buyer? Or, which part i did not replied her mssg? Our convo was stopped at that time due to my bb turned off all of sudden. Fuck. I wait for 3-5 minutes after that, and when i check to my bbm, i know that i was deleted from her bbm contact! What the fuck?
With full of anger, i sent her a mssg.
Thats our convo thru mssgs.
One thing that i want to highlight here that i am not angry because i did not succesfully get what my order, but here i feel like this person is slightly underestimate me. This young lady bravely labelled me as a not serious buyer, a 10 years old girl, and inpolite person. Moreover, she also taught me how to behave well. I am type of person who never put attention to what people has done, are doing, or going to do, as long as it never disturb my freedom. But when it comes to it, i would delighted to announced that i would strive for my right with all kind of possible way. In contrast, if you are very nice to me, i would be the nicest person you hv ever met. Does it sound so fair?
People nowadays tend to feel like they are mastering something so that they can show off to anyone. Like in this case, presumably this little girl feel like she is the politest person in this world thus she could act like a jesus christ. In fact, she does not. One considerable reason presumably this girl is brainless. I am not saying that i am always right. i frequently do some mistakes. I always gladly accept the other's opinion or critics about me when i am wrong. I am also very open minded person, i never get displeasure to any critics addressed to me, but with one underlysing assumption that you're better than me. It is rational that someone's better than you give you criticize for the sake of improvement. But if someone worse than me give me criticise, it is a good indicator of jealousy of other succesfullness. Makes sense, right?
On behalf of online shop owner too, i feel this little girl did not appreciate me as a buyer. Of course, everyone want a money, who does not? But it did not necesarrily means that money is everything. Customers are king. I personally agreed with that statement. Without them, we can not make money. Back to this girl, based on her reply, this girl wanted to show me that she did not need a buyer like me. What's my fault? Anyone can show me? The word a not serious buyer or undefined buyer just shattered my heart. Okay, i got kindly accepted that labelled. But, does this label work to a buyer who are capable to buy everysingle clothes that you have? So, do not put any label to a person you do not know!! If i say you're a poor, but in turn you have a mercedez sport car new edition, where i should put my face? in your bottom? As a owner shop, undefined buyer i give to those person who already make an booking of particular items, but after 1-2 days later she does not make any confirmation about that items.
Not only this girl who suffered demoralization, you can see this video too.
One innocent girl got bullied by her friends in school. I could not stop thinking how if it were happened to me. How my mom's feeling seeing these lovely little girl got bullied physically and internally like that.. I found two actors in that video : actor1 and actor2. Do check their facebook. :) I sent them a mssg anw. I just cant stand seeing this innocent girl crying in that video :(
here is my mssg : hello girl.
i just saw a video which shows about 3 minutes length, a group of friend bullying innocent girl in one school, after do some googling i found such accurate evidence that the actors are you and your friends.
I just want to say, imagine that innocent girl is your daughter later on, dont you feel very sad if you see something's bad is happened with your little girl? you dont think about her mother's feeling rite, dont you? or if your level of imagination is really low, could you imagine that this miserable thing happened to yourself? could u still happily laugh like what you've done in that video? Unless you dont hv a heart to feel, a brain to think, so you are simply like my dog. i just wanna warn you that karma does exist just wait for the right time, it will surely come to you.
i saw your picture, honestly speaking you are not beautiful. Far away from flawless. So, why you do not care about your self? its not your own business you know to take care someone's life.
Seems like the world now put attention to you, happy huh?
Do share this video to your friend :)
Sorry of incovenience while reading because this post is too long.