Sabtu, 12 Maret 2011

Decide what you want, decide what you are willing to exchange for it.
Your first step is always essential in every decision making in your life
You will never know how it feels if you never try.
the rumours are not always true.
 life is unimaginable and unpredictable.
 it is all about your self.
take or leave it.. 
because oppurtunity will never come twice.

Kamis, 10 Maret 2011

First Time

There always be a first time in everything.
Yesterday was my first time in my life i was crying and laughing at the same time.
Crying because i did not know what should i do to overcome this fear. Contrastly i was laughing myself how selfish  i am, crying upon something which i  love to.
Studying two nights in a row failed to help me understand the content of my favourite subject, i feel so stupid.
I just never imagine that my fav subject turned into big monster that haunted me everynite. 
Even i hate accounting so much, but i honestly agreed that accounting is much more easier.
I want to ... give up.
I want to go back home...
it call into question, am i that weak? am i that stupid?
I am so afraid that something that i love will hurt me back later on.
so true.

Rabu, 09 Maret 2011

Dogs are irreplacable friends, they show their loyalty (mostly) more than your friend.
Dogs love you earnestly, more than they love himself.
They do not ask any question, or even criticize you.. they received you just the way you are.
 What can be better than this?

Minggu, 06 Maret 2011

Life is uncertain. Eat dessert first.

welcome to marche :)
I want to have a good body, but not as much as I want dessert. - Jason Love
Mushroom Frito
Chicken Cheese Rosti
Salmon Rosti
Interior design
Interior design II
Thankyou! :b

Jumat, 04 Maret 2011

Too cute to be true.

Front Side.

Mini Diana Hello Kitty Limited Edition

back side.

I have been googling too much about this little cutiee Diana Camera.  Im confused my self which diana series i have to buy, since it comes out with various lovable funky design and model every year.  The good news after some reading i found out that some diana's lenses such as Fish eye, wide lense, telephoto lense are perfectly suitable with my nikon d90 if i plug in with adaptor. Im getting more interested with this toy cams honestly! i will surely put this in my "Hot item to buy in 2011" list. Just in case anyone wanna buy it for mee? :D

Kamis, 03 Maret 2011

Im 19 and Im nothing.

Mukjizat itu nyata, bahkan sering kali terjadi di luar nalar manusia.
Saya sebagai orang yang cukup rational, kerap kali mempertanyakan hal ini meskipun pada akhirnya tidak pernah mendapat jawaban yang sesuai dengan apa yang saya harapkan.
Mungkin hal yang terjadi pada teman saya ini cukup simpel, tetapi mampu membuat saya terkesima sesaat. Apakah itu namanya mukjizat dari Tuhan?
Saya sejenak berpikir, apa yang membuat Tuhan begitu baik terhadap manusia ini sampai saat-saat terakhirnya seperti ini?
Kebaikan. Ya, sikap dia yang selalu baik terhadap semua orang tanpa pamrih sehingga membuat Tuhan tersentuh atas segala tindakan terpujinya selama ini.
Seakan menjawab pertanyaan saya tentang asal muasal mukjizat, Tuhan menolong teman saya ini lewat cara yang sungguh nyata, simpel, dan aneh.
Secara sederhana menurut pandangan seorang awam, saya menyimpulkan bahwa berbuat baik kepada orang lain tanpa pamrih itu sungguh mempunyai efek yang maha dahsyat. Segala pengorbanan kita akan dibalas oleh Tuhan serupa atau bahkan berkali-kali lipat pas pada waktunya.
Lantas pertanyaannya.. bagaimana dengan saya sendiri?

Sungguh suatu mimpi kelak, apabila saya menjadi seorang business woman yang berkecukupan sehingga mampu memfasilitasi hobby saya : photography dan travelling.
Sungguh suatu mimpi kelak, saya mampu mendirikan Sekolah Luar Biasa yang menyediakan kualitas pendidikan yang bagus untuk teman-teman kita yang tidak normal.
Sudah menjadi janji yang tertunda, apabila saya lulus dengan nilai baik tahun kemarin, saya akan menyisihkan uang saku saya untuk mengajak teman-teman yang kurang mampu untuk makan bersama.  
Kebahagiaan tersendiri apabila saya bisa melihat mereka tersenyum. Senyum yang pasti akan sangat murni dan natural. Sungguh momen yang sangat langkah.
Dalam hitungan bulan, saya sudah bukan remaja lagi.
Di usia 20 ini, saya ingin sekali melakukan somethings totally different. Saya ingin membuat hidup ini lebih balance antara shopping, studying, playing and charity. :)
Berbagai rencana cukup indah tentang aksi sosial (hasil pillow talk) saya dengan rekan sepaham, semoga akan terwujud di tahun ini. Mulai dari garage sale dari online shop kami berdua sampai project lainnya.
Bukan perhatian atau imbalan dari Tuhan yang saya cari, tetapi lebih pencarian tentang makna hidup itu sendiri. Dengan begitu, saya akan menghargai hidup saya jauh lebih lebih bermakna dari orang lain yang wawasannya tidak pernah lebih dari uang dan barang duniawi.
I am twenty and i am something.

Selasa, 01 Maret 2011

born this way

Have you ever think that you are the luckiest girl in this world?

A girl who has complete family that look after your growth since you were baby till now.. Mom and dad who never forget to ask you study and do homeworks every single night. Mom and dad who give their best protection upon their little girl.. A family who always provides their biggest support in everything you do..

A girl who has genuine frieds that bravely said whatever they think about you. A friend who always give you surprise in your birthday, though you know that you are not going to be surprised with those things. A  Friend that you are comfortable to hang out with. A friend who can share laughter and sorrow undoubtedly.

A girl who has a good looking face and strong sexual appearance that can attract boy's attention.

A girl who has funny pet who always waiting your arrival after school. A pet that always waiting beside your bed while you are studying. A pet that always listening to your grumble. A pet that could cheer you up when you are sad.

A girl who has a big shoes and clothes cabinet. A girl who never late to get the latest edition of Christian Louboutin, Louis Vuitton, Gucci, and all of that.

A girl who always schedule their creambath, menicure and pedicure time monthly.

A girl who has more than enough to complete your dream and desire, a girl who has mostly everything that she wants to..

I clearly not this type of girl. But i might have started to be thankful of everything that i have till now before they're gone and regretting come behind . I have started to realize that God is too good to me. I  have started to open my eyes that millions people outthere who are having contrastly condition refers to me. I have started my self to go to church moreoften. I have started to read bible everynight before i sleep. I have started to ( at least : minimize ) stop my bad habit which is complaining about something unimportant thing . Being 100 % stop from this habit is also quite imposibble but i have been striving for this. The last but not least, stop look up or compare your life with people who their life are getting ahead of you . Lets start by look down and questioning your self this simple question , " Do you want to exchange your life with them?" Life is never perfect. It merely exist in fairy tale (given the fact that we are now living in real world). So, just live your life :)