Hi everyone! How's life threat you all guys? I am doing fine after certain period struggling about the food i had consumed in Europe during my summer course programme. There are numbersssss of stories i wanna share with you all, but not at this time. This post i want to focus on a colourful french cookies called Macaroons. So, after reading an article about the trend of pasty shop business in one Indonesia famous magazine, I highlighted that they mention about one brand that pretty famous in French called
Pierre Herme. So, the story is about a Indonesian chef that being inspired by Pierre Herme's product and he tries an oppurtunity to open Online Shop that sells macaroon and cupcakes and it turn out to be success! Speaking of Pierre Herme, i spent hundreds euro dollars to buy this adorable cookies. And i just realized that this brand is quite well known for their macaroons. A special thing about Pierre herme is that they are not focused merely on their macarons, but design of their packaging also. Design has become important process of a creating the product because it can affect the selling point. It was proven! A factor that i want to try their product because they offer a different cutee box with different range of price as you can see below :D If you visit paris, surely dont forget to buy this Pierre herme which is perfectly located in the sophisticated shopping mall in "Gelerie LaFayette"
source: google. A mouthwatering gift to your relatives at home! =D |
See how adorable the macaroons are. |
The round box. Buy this box if you want to keep your macaroons in shape! |
Guess how many macaroons are there..... |
Actually, i was like running a mission that i have to try each country's macaroons as i was travelling to some places in Europe. Here we are, my first stop and first macaroons in Belgium-Brussels,
Chocopolis. Chocopolis are not really into macaroons, they specialize in their Belgium handmade chocolate that has various flavours. What i like from Chocopolis Macaroons's is their size that quite big ( compare to other macaroons that i have tried ), the smoothness when we bite it, and last the buttercream in the middle of it. I like macaroons that easily melts in my mouth ( re : not crispy ) . You can find my favourite flavour by looking at the 3rd or 4th picture. =D
Next, my second macaroons from
Trick and Treats in Utrecht. Utrecht is a city where my summer programme was held. So, i could buy their macaroons everytime i want. But unluckily, I dont really like their product because they were really different from the first macaron that i've tried. The colour that they offer is not really attractive and pretty much similiar to each other. Also, the buttercream is not really vary, they only have vanilla and chocolate flavour i think. But this is all about individual personal taste.
5 macaroons r left. =D |
After approximately 3 weeks i spent my time in Utrecht, precisely when my programme has finally over, it comes to the time when i have to leave this city. I hate to admit the fact that mostly all the men over there are god's increadible creatures. The combination of perfect body, flawless face, and good attitude ( Re: friendly ) ! <3<3 A good reason of hardly say goodbye to this city, no? :D
The last one, the legend of macaroons, Laduree. I found this oh so well known shop incidentally when i was looking for a disney store. My eyes straightly put an intense attention to that elegant shop which combines gold and green yolkie at the same time. The Queque was amazingly unbelieveable. I can see that everyone put their best effort by patiently waiting to get this popular macarons. They sell variety of macaroons with 18 different flavours ( mostly they only come with 10 flavour ) and size! I have tried the big chocolate macarons ( 8-10 cm diameters) and it was soooo freaking gooood. If you dont really like macaroons, you should try their beautiful yet mouthwatering cakes that comes in attarctive colour, design, and shape. Anyway, The price here is pretty expensive, it is doubled from Pierre Herme but trust me they are really worth it.
source : google. |
source : google. |
if i knew that this little thing exist, i surely get my self 1!! source : google. |
people are in line. source : google. |
Undoubtedly i would say thank you to all the genious man behind these intriguing macaroons, esp mr. Pierre Herme who invented the best recipe of macaroons in the world. I am tottaly fall in love with your macaroons so so so much! i wish he deliberately open Pierre herme's shop in south east region asap, partcularly in singapore before i graduate next year, hahaha!
Additional two macaroon's picture that i get in Singapore and Surabaya. Not bad though..
These are all macaroons that i have tried, how about you guys? A good quotes that you should keep in mind :
when Life is uncertain, Eat dessert first.